Right, I definitely think I'm done. I've written the final picture story for the March Madness daily picture book challenge and am now taking a deep relaxing breath and suddenly feeling very ill. Damn. Taking a step back I realise that I'm exhausted and drained out. I'm dazed and have spent too long looking at a computer screen ploughing on like a possessed typing monkey. Now it's over, I can stop and lie down and maybe die or something...
Or maybe I can let go and in letting go start to find Enlightenment. That's what the final tale of this trip is all about and it seemed only right that I should end on a slightly surreal, spiritual note. The story is called "The Path to Infinity By Way of the Death of Nena's Pet Chimp" and it is either absurdist mini-adventure or a profound and deep treatise on philosophy, life, the Universe and existence. You can bring your own meaning and ultimately the accompanying art that would go with it would probably play a role.
Altogether what happens in this - a young woman's Chimp (he reminds her of the Theory of Evolution and how everything in the Universe is linked) dies and, devastated, she succumbs to despair. She falls into a bowl of spaghetti and descends into a visceral version of Hell which is ruled over by the Devil in a Jersey cow-hide suit. The woman then realises that she'd brought this low on herself by clinging on to grief and pain and thus starts meditating at which point the world's illusions, attachment and pain vanish into a haze and she becomes one with the Universe and finds Enlightenment.
It's trippy and out there and it seems like the right kind of thing to close this thing with. I think I need to write a summary of this month's writing mission and assess the material I've amassed with fresh eyes, but these eyes in my skull right now ain't fresh. I think I need to meditate. I will come back to this later and work out what the hell I've done. For the moment though, 'fin'. Time for a lie down...
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