
Surreal misadventures with an amoral pastry casanova on the cusp of the French Revolution...

In today's tale-concocting, things took a delightful turn for the surreal. I have no idea where it came from (or even when it came to me) but for some reason I decided to write about a roguish antihero aristocratic croissant who engages in all sorts of scandalous debauchery and iniquity on the cusp of the French Revolution. "Casanova Croissant: Perfidious Pastry Rapscallion" is the result of this bizarre brainwave.

Once again, I don't know if anyone else would be interested in following the illustrated mini-adventures of a lusty pastry who's all about sex, lasciviousness, larceny and vice but I had a hell of a lot of fun thinking about it and scripting it up. Seriously, imagine a cocky croissant challenging people to duels on the streets of 18th century Paris, copulating with a couple of nuns and spiking the drinks at high society shindigs. Yeah, I like "Casanova Croissant: Perfidious Pastry Rapscallion". I'd love to see someone art this up as appropriate and this to be realised as a proper picture book for mature audiences.

What's more, it's a longer work and there's not a rhyme in sight! I feel I've pushed boundaries today - both personally and in terms of taste and sensible reason. Overall, today's effort reinforces how much I enjoy writing irreverent, mad stuff with a dark, subversive edge. This means that tomorrow I've got to try something completely different - sweet and innocent where nobody gets seduced by a rascal aristocrat breakfast pastry.

I have no idea what that'll be. The chronicle of Casanova Croissant came out of nowhere so it's exciting to even contemplate the spontaneous creative blasts that could happen. The future is unwritten... (it's going to carry on being written on a daily basis.)

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